
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Morning Circle - Old MacDonald Had A Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm,

And on his farm he had some cows,

With a moo, moo here
And a moo, moo there

Here a moo, there a moo

Everywhere a moo, moo

Old MacDonald had a farm

2. Pig - oink
3. Chick - chick

4. Dog - bow-woo

5. Cat -meow
6. Mule - Heehaw

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Morning Circle - Get Ready To Wiggle!

"Get Ready to Wiggle" is the first Wiggles song ever written and recorded. It first appeared in their 1991 self-titled debut album, The Wiggles. It's also the theme to the show.

Get Ready To Wiggle

Anthony: Everybody, listen up. Let's get ready to wiggle.

Get ready to wiggle.We've been ready for so long.Get ready to wiggle.When you wiggle, you can't go wrong.

Get ready to wiggle.Wiggle will make you big and strong.Get ready to wiggle.Wiggle to this song. Wiggle to this song.

Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.

Anthony: It's wiggle time!Greg: Now we're ready to wiggle.Wiggle your fingers high in the sky.We're ready to wiggle.Wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes.

We're ready to wiggle.Wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose.We're ready to wiggle.Come on, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes.


We can wiggle and wiggle.
Wiggle at home without a care.
Wiggle and wiggle.Wiggle on your own or with teddy bear.

Wiggle and wiggle.Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea.Wiggle and wiggle.Wiggle along with me. Wiggle along with me.

Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-dum-ba-dum.

Anthony: Hey, keep wiggling now. Don't stop. Wiggle! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Wiggle!